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Who will attend the Holy and Great Council?

Rev. Dr. John Chryssavgis, Archdeacon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, talks about who will be participating in the Holy and Great Council and the 14 autocephalous (independent) churches they will represent.

The Holy and Great Council gathers in Crete in the latter part of June 2016. It is the first time in 1200 years that 14 autocephalous Orthodox churches are meeting. Approximately 500 individuals will be part of this historic gathering, with a common desire to reinforce their relations and address contemporary spiritual and social challenges in the world.

Council Participants


On the Feast of Pentecost, when the Church celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit, more than 500 men and women -- bishops, priests, monastics, and laity -- will participate in the Holy and Great Council, to be convened in Crete. Among those present will be the primates of all 14 Orthodox autocephalous (or self-governed) Churches; more than 300 bishops; almost 100 advisors, numerous stewards and students.


For more information on the respective local autocephalous Church, click below.